Good old Dad and his good old Dad's car. Spanning the 1950s to '80s, this is a celebration of the heyday of the Dad car. All great Dad cars are included. Spanning the 1950s to the '80s, this is a celebration of the heyday of the Dad car. From much loved family workhorses like the Ford Cortina and Vauxhall Viva to the rakish excitement and playground kudos of the Rover 3500 and Citroen CX, all the great Dad cars are here. Reflecting a time before people carriers and lifestyle off roaders, when the nearest thing to an airbag was hiding behind your brother, this is a celebration of simple, honest cars that were as flawed and as loveable as your Dad himself.
Author: Giles Chapman , Richard Porter
Hardback: 160 pages
Publisher: Ebury Publishing
ISBN: 9780563539193
Product Dimensions: (H) 151mm, (W) 181mm, (D) 14mm
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