The variety of people seduced by the idea of living, or at least holidaying, in a home on wheels is wide and all-encompassing; from retired couples to digital nomads, and from surfers living on an extreme budget to start-up professionals.
This book celebrates every aspect of a home on wheels, with help and advice on successful holidays, exciting sabbaticals and even a complete transformation to van life, leaving the static comfort of a roof and four walls and heading off into the unknown. Chapters include help on choosing your vehicle, where to find ad-vice on refurb and conversion, what to pack, what to leave behind, and how to achieve those day-to-day challenges on the open road – like making a cup of coffee, getting your laundry done and finding a safe place to sleep.
Author: Nigel Donnelly
Hardback: 128 pages
Publisher: Haynes Publishing
ISBN: 9781785215957
Product Dimensions: (H) 156mm, (W) 219mm, (D) 13mm